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Competition Rules and How to Enter


All entries must be entirely the work of the individual photographer including any added elements or textures.


In submitting entries for Club competitions, you agree to make them available for selection for any external or inter-club competitions, and for inclusion within the Club's website and/or social media.


Any submission must not of previously been entered in Braunton Camera Club competition, members are encouraged to enter recent work. The competition secretary has the right to withdraw any previously entered photographs after informing the member concerned.

Entries in each section must be significantly dissimilar from others in the same competition, or those entered in previous competitions.  Members may enter prints and/or DPIs.


As an affiliated member of WCPF (Western Counties Photographic Federation) we aim to adhere to the General WCPF Competition Rules (


If you need help with preparing your images for submission please do ask, we are a very friendly club and lots of our members are very willing to pass on their experience. 



All prints must be securely mounted on a card that is exactly 40cm x 50cm.  Card can be of any colour. Window mounting can help prevent damage to other members’ work.  


On the rear of the mount should appear the entrant’s membership number (not name) and a title, but no print number.  A digital copy of the entries should also be provided as described below.


DPI (Digital Photographic Image)

DPIs must be of the correct size, image type and colour space, as follows:


  • Less than 10Mb in size

  • Maximum image width: 1600 pixels

  • Maximum image height: 1200 pixels.

  • Image type: JPEG (file extension should be .jpg or .jpeg)

  • Colour space: sRGB.



Audio-Visual Files

AV files should be prepared in appropriate software, but file sizes should be constrained to 1024 pixels by 768 pixels at 72dpi. Up to two sequences may be entered each of which should not exceed 3 and a half minutes.


Submission of Entries


The club uses PhotoEntry for the submission of all competition entries. The closing date is shown in this system and no late entries will be accepted.


Unless otherwise stated members are allowed to submit 3 prints and/or 3 DPIs in each competition.  


No photographs may be entered for more than one competition with the exception of the Print and DPI of the Year competition in which 3 print and 3 DPI entries per section are allowed, chosen from the current year’s previous competition entries.


Please note:  Failure to observe these rules may result in entries not being accepted.


How to Submit DPI Entries

Each member of the club is provided with login access to PhotoEntry - Login where they upload and manage their competition entries. 


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