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Competition Definitions


There are a number of competitions held within the club during the winter season.  These may vary slightly from year to year, but generally follow a similar form.  Many competitions are judged by someone external to the Club.

Our current Programme details the dates of each competition including hand in deadlines.

In each competition members are encouraged to enter prints and digitally projected images (DPIs). 

All entries must be entirely the work of the individual photographer including any added elements or textures.

In submitting entries for Club competitions you agree to make them available for selection for any external or inter-club competitions, and for inclusion within the Club's website and/or social media.


Open Competitions: Entries for open competitions may be of any subject and can be monochrome or colour.


Mono competition: As per the WCPF definition, any black and white image going from very dark grey (black) to very clear grey (white) and containing only various shades of grey. A black and white work toned entirely in a single colour will remain eligible. However, a black and white work modified by partial toning or by the addition of one or more colours, becomes a colour work and is thus ineligible for the monochrome competition.

Set Subject Competitions:  In the case of set subject competitions the subject will be announced well in advance.

Landscape Competition: an open vista of land or sea, in a rural, coastal or urban situation, in colour, black and white or monotone. Panoramic vistas permitted. No portraits, close-ups, macro images. People and animals are permitted in the scene as a small and integral part of the vista, but not the prime feature or focus of attention.
Digital adjustments permitted, including HDR and multiple frames, textures are permitted as is removing distractions etc. 

Variations on a Theme: In this competition members are invited to alter or vary a photograph provided by the previous year’s winner who will also judge the competition.  This is for DPIs only.  Members may enter 1 DPI which may vary from the original in any way provided one element of the original remains.

Three on a Theme: This competition is for three prints on a single theme mounted together on a 40 x 50 cm card. Each member may submit 3 entries i.e. 3 x 3 images

Print & DPI of the Year: In the Print and DPI of the Year competition print and DPI entries are allowed, chosen from the current year’s previous competition entries.

Audio Visual (AV) Competition: Up to two sequences may be entered each of which should not exceed 3 and a half minutes.


Awards: Certificates are awarded throughout the winter season. Most competitions will have one first, second and third place, 2 highly commended and up to 3 commended.  Members gain 1 point for every entry plus 5 points for first place, 4 points for second place, 3 points for third place, 2 points for highly commended and 1 point for commended.  At the end of the season these points will result in an award for club photographer of the year and runners up.

From time to time the Club enters external competitions and will invite members to submit photographs for selection for these.  The regulations for each external competition will be announced at the time of the competition.

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